Tag: fun

  • Playing The Keyboard

    Its been a fairly relaxful day and I am super tired and really ready to go to sleep. I had a good day. I practiced playing on the keyboard that we have. It is actually really fun to play. I enjoy playing it. I just need to learn music notes. I also need to learn…

  • Monthly Family Dinner

    I knew today would be a very busy day. I have been waiting such a long time for this day. I got up fairly early but I still got to sleep in later than normal. To bad tomorrow is a school day, I really need some good sleep. I’ve been switching up the days that…

  • Cinnamon Rolls

    I got up fairly early around 7 and got started with my day. I started by eating some cereal and then doing some schoolwork. I spent most of my day doing schoolwork. After I ate breakfast, I started working on my schoolwork again. I eventually did leave with my daddy. We left to go chase…

  • High Pile Of Icecream

    I got up pretty early this morning. I did not sleep the greatest, despite the fact that I went to sleep early around 9 pm. My neck has been pretty sore. I’m hoping that tonight I get a better sleep. I actually had a pretty darn good day today. I enjoyed myself and I enjoyed…

  • Parade

    I woke up with my alarm around 8 or so. I slept pretty good. I got up and went to a parade. It was fun and I got lots and lots of candy. After the parade we had lunch. We ate at McDonald’s and my momma ate at Burritoville. Our food was good. Not sure…

  • Breakfast Feast

    Today was another relaxing day. I woke up and ate some breakfast with my family and a family friend. We had French toast, home made hash browns, sausage, and scrambled eggs. It was all super delicious! I added cheese to the hash browns which made it better in my opinion. I like to put cheese…

  • Family BBQ

    I woke up a bit later than when I normally do. I got up at 8:30 this morning. Thank goodness I didn’t have to get up and do school. I was honestly still kind of tired when I woke up. My little cousin that came over wore me out. He likes to scream quite a…

  • Cat Baseball And A Broken Spatula

    I woke up pretty early again. I actually woke up a few times before I was officially going to wake up. I woke up with a headache which was the worst. I finally got fed up and tired of rolling over so I got started with my day. I always start my day by using…

  • Cookies Before Bed

    I was hoping to sleep a bit better than I did. I woke up out of my sleep a few times and I ended up waking up a bit earlier than I wanted to. My momma made biscuits and gravy for breakfast. I ate one biscuit with honey butter and the others I had with…