Tag: Family

  • Monthly Family Dinner

    I knew today would be a very busy day. I have been waiting such a long time for this day. I got up fairly early but I still got to sleep in later than normal. To bad tomorrow is a school day, I really need some good sleep. I’ve been switching up the days that…

  • Family BBQ

    I woke up a bit later than when I normally do. I got up at 8:30 this morning. Thank goodness I didn’t have to get up and do school. I was honestly still kind of tired when I woke up. My little cousin that came over wore me out. He likes to scream quite a…

  • All The Sizes Yet No Fit

    Today was a quite eventful day for me. My daddy woke me up pretty early to drive my momma to work. We’ve been having car trouble. We dropped her off and took back some parts that we no longer needed. We were trying to get rid of an old dishwasher by plugging a pipe. The…