• Daily Dose of Laughter

    I woke up with my alarm today at 7:20 am. I got up and got dressed and took my little brother down to the bus stop. It was so cool this morning, it was around 55 degrees and felt quite nice. Once I watched my little brother get on the bus, I headed home. I…

  • Chainsaws and Panda Express

    I woke up early today around 5:30 am, I was planning on falling back asleep which did not go as planned. I ended up having trouble falling back asleep again. I finally got a start to my day at 6:50 am. I walked my brother down to his bus stop where we chatted for a…

  • Welcome!

    Welcome to my very first blog! Bear with me as I learn new skills and run my own blog. Interesting topics will be discussed here, ranging from my day to day activities or anything that I would enjoy to blog about.