Family BBQ

I woke up a bit later than when I normally do. I got up at 8:30 this morning. Thank goodness I didn’t have to get up and do school. I was honestly still kind of tired when I woke up. My little cousin that came over wore me out. He likes to scream quite a bit. He’s only 2 years old.

Once I got up I ate some breakfast. I waited until after lunch to do dishes. I made my brother and I some party pizzas for lunch. After that I did dishes. Lunch was pretty good. I enjoyed my lunch. After lunch and dishes, my brother went to take some pictures.

I spent most of the day relaxing around the house. I sat down and watched a movie with my daddy, my momma, and my sister. It was a good movie. After the movie I went to a BBQ that my family hosted. It had some pretty darn good food. I’m so grateful that they did that for us! I hope that I sleep pretty good tonight!





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